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How to Handle Cryptocurrency in Estate Planning

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Unlike other assets, which can generally be identified and accessed with appropriate documentation, cryptocurrency differs fundamentally from a “custody and control” point of view.

Cryptocurrency cannot be transacted or “controlled” without the private key(s) associated with the wallet/address where it is stored. Assuming you even know the crypto exists, without these keys, all the certified legal documentation in the world confirming a client’s “rights” to a store of cryptocurrency won’t help the client gain access if the crypto is stored outside of a brokerage or exchange, in a non-custodial private wallet.

So how does a testator or creator of a trust make a provision to pass on those private keys and related information about cryptocurrency after their death while maintaining the security and control of those assets during their lifetime? Frequent news stories about stolen or hacked crypto assets attest to the difficulty of this challenge.

NGH Group CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis, a certified expert in cryptocurrency and an attorney himself, will answer these questions and many others during a continuing education class for the Estate Planning Council of Suffolk County, Inc. The program will present effective, practical strategies for assisting clients with this unique asset class as part of an estate or trust from a “custody and control” perspective without compromising the security of the asset itself during the client’s lifetime.

The session is scheduled for 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, at the Bijou Restaurant in Melville, N.Y.

For more information or to register, visit the council’s website.

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NGH Advises Family Lawyers on Illegally Obtained Evidence

Image for post on Illegally Obtained Electronic Evidence in Family Law

When plaintiffs and defendants in family law cases use emails, texts, and other electronic communications to bolster their cases, they may be crossing an ethical or legal line. That’s the message in a recent article by NGH Group CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis in the spring issue of Family Advocate magazine, a national publication of the American Bar Association.

Himonidis, a legal, forensic, and cryptocurrency expert with multiple certifications, outlined what evidence is and isn’t admissible in matrimonial and custody cases. His in-depth article highlights when conduct can result in civil and criminal penalties, and what legal and ethical issues attorneys should consider before obtaining or using evidence. 

Read the full ABA article.


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NGH Group Shares Digital Insights at Prestigious Legal & Business Valuation Conference

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NGH Group CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis was a featured speaker at the 2022 Divorce Conference sponsored by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and Business Valuation Resources (BVR). The annual event focuses on the most pressing issues facing the divorce valuation discipline.

Himonidis, a legal, forensic, and cryptocurrency expert with multiple certifications, will advise attorneys on how to collect and use digital evidence in family law cases without exposing themselves to liability. As an attorney and licensed private investigator, he also educates attorneys on how and where divorcing spouses can hide digital assets.

The three-day conference will take place September 18-20, 2022, in Las Vegas.

Learn More

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NYT Taps Nick Himonidis for Cryptocurrency Expertise

Monero Image for Cryptocurrency Expertis Post

When the New York Times needed an expert for an article on divorcing spouses hiding assets using cryptocurrency, they contacted NGH Group CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis. The attorney and cryptocurrency forensics expert shared several instances of finding crypto assets hidden by divorcing spouses.

  • A forensic search of one laptop found $700,000 in the privacy coin Monero in a hot wallet. When asked about it, the spouse feigned surprise at the wallet’s existence.
  • When his wife filed for divorce, another man transferred millions of dollars to digital wallets and blockchain-based smart contracts before fleeing the United States.

Read the full article


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NGH Offers Insights on Cyber-Crime and Cyber Sleuthing

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In an exclusive interview, NGH Group CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis shares insights on digital investigations, his passion for what he does, and industry trends and predictions.

Host Ronnie Deaver featured Nick on the Evolving with The Times (Family Lawyer Edition) podcast. During the one-hour program, Nick takes a deep dive into:

  • How he got started in the private investigation industry
  • What technology keeps him up at night (and should worry you, too)
  • Why you should always keep a physical copy of important documents
  • How the legal industry must change to keep up with rapidly evolving technology

Filled with critical insights from an expert in the law, private investigations, and technology, this podcast is a master class.

Listen now

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5 Steps for Uncovering Cryptocurrency Activity

Image for Uncovering Cryptocurrency Activity Article

The exponential growth of cryptocurrency has introduced new complexities when searching for hidden assets. Whether a client is going through a divorce, a business breakup, or another situation that requires financial due diligence or investigation, financial and legal professionals (and their clients) need to watch for any signs that the other party may have cryptocurrency.

Any suspicion of cryptocurrency demands careful exploration, which includes the following steps.

  1. For litigation, subpoena cryptocurrency brokerages and trading platforms in the United States. If the counterparty is dealing in cryptocurrency, chances are high that one of the top 20 brokerages or trading platforms is involved, and many of them will honor a valid subpoena for information.
  1. Search for physical evidence of cryptocurrency activity. When looking for evidence of cryptocurrency activity, conduct an old-fashioned search for tangible items associated with cryptocurrency, such as hardware wallets, Cryptosteel-type physical backups, paper address certificates, and recovery seed phrases.
  1. Mine available financial data for intersections between crypto and fiat currency. Forensic accountants should look for any payments to or from any known cryptocurrency brokerage platform or trading app. Other signs include large, unexplained cash withdrawals, which may have been converted to crypto on the black market or through Bitcoin ATMs (BATMs), or expenditure patterns that suggest a dollar-cost averaging strategy of crypto investment.
  1. Target cryptocurrency in discovery demands. Beyond asking whether the other party has engaged in cryptocurrency transactions, attorneys need to request specific information. For example, discovery demands should include specific identification of any cryptocurrency wallets, as well as the Extended Master Public Key(s) (xPubs), which allow read-only viewing of wallet transactions.
  1. Search the other party’s data and devices. After securing legal access, forensically examine the counterparty’s digital universe for detailed evidence of cryptocurrency wallets, blockchain addresses, active and deleted internet history related to cryptocurrency transactions, and any interaction with brokerages and platforms. (This is often the only effective way to discover peer-to-peer cryptocurrency activity.)

Following the above game plan will help uncover whether a counterparty has engaged in cryptocurrency activity and obtain critical information for valuation. For assistance with any or all of these steps, contact the NGH Group. Founder Nicholas Himonidis is a Certified Computer Forensic Specialist, Certified Fraud Examiner, and Certified Cryptocurrency Forensic Investigator who frequently lectures on crytpocurrency and blockchain investigations.

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NGH Joins Cryptocurrency Panel for New York State Society of CPAs

Fraud, ban and regulation of cryptocurrencies.

The New York State Society of CPAs (NYSSCPA) has invited NGH Group President and CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis to join a panel discussion on Cryptocurrency Fraud, Forensics, and Investigation during the organization’s November 8 webcast. Nick will be joining a panel with Pamela Clegg of CipherTrace, a well-known blockchain forensics firm, and Don Fort of Kostelanetz & Fink LLP, Immediate Past Chief of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division.

Attendees will learn the latest laws regarding cryptocurrency and related fraud, as well as how forensics can uncover “hidden” cryptocurrency. Panelists will also discuss recent court cases about the legal and illegal uses of cryptocurrency.

Nick is a frequent speaker at accounting, legal, and technical conferences and seminars. His background as both a lawyer and cryptocurrency/technology expert make him uniquely qualified to address multiple issues regarding cryptocurrency.

To request Mr. Himonidis as a speaker on this or other topics, call (516) 621-6500 or send an email.




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Recent trends and hot topics in digital evidence

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On October 28, 2021, NGH Group CEO and President Nicholas G. Himonidis, J.D., CFE, CCFS, CCFI, will address the members of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association on what they need to know when counseling clients and conducting e-discovery in family law cases.

Attendees will learn about new technology and legal issues in cryptocurrency, cloud computing, digital espionage (and how to prevent it), encrypted data, and other issues.

As an attorney and computer forensics expert, Nick will educate attendees on both the legal and technical issues in conducting e-discovery in non-commercial litigation. He will also discuss the many forms of evidence that only exist in digital form and must be preserved quickly—before they disappear forever.

To request Mr. Himonidis as a speaker on this or other topics, call (516) 621-6500 or send an email.

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NGH educates divorce lawyers on tracking cryptocurrency

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NGH Group President and CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis shared his cryptocurrency expertise  with the Erie County Bar Association on September 14, 2021. His online presentation on how to find and track cryptocurrency in divorce litigation was part of the group’s continuing education program.

Divorcing spouses are increasingly using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to hide assets and to conduct “secret” transactions. In his presentation, Nick educated attorneys on the benefits of digital forensics when accessing the spouse’s electronic devices and examining blockchain transactions.

He also explained the types of “wallets” a spouse may use to hold and hide cryptocurrency, how cryptocurrency exchanges work, what documents are available for attorneys to pursue, and the critical differences between “peer to peer” vs. “exchange based” cryptocurrency activity.

The presentation featured practical tips that attorneys can use in their own practices right away.

To request Mr. Himonidis as a speaker on this or other topics, call (516) 621-6500 or send an email

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NGH speaks to Nassau County attorneys about spousal digital espionage

Image for Spousal Digital Espionage Event Post

The Nassau County Bar Association will feature NGH Group CEO and President Nicholas G. Himonidis, J.D., CFE, CCFS, CCFI, as the guest speaker at their September 13, 2021, meeting in Mineola, N.Y. Nick will update members on legal issues that arise when litigating spouses attempt to access each other’s digital communications.

When spouses try to access their partner’s texts, emails, social media posts, and other electronic communications in a divorce or custody battle, they can potentially face significant civil and criminal liabilities. Nick will brief members on the latest federal and state laws, as well as recent court cases and the liabilities that attorneys may face.

Many spouses may believe that their relationship makes it legal to access their partner’s electronic communications, but being married to someone doesn’t give them the legal right to intercept those communications.

Not only can spouses face significant criminal and civil liabilities, but so can their attorneys.

To request Mr. Himonidis as a speaker on this or other topics, call (516) 621-6500 or send an email.