Expert Testimony And Reports
Court Qualified Expert Witnesses
Many people claim to be experts on a great many things. Relatively few of them have been declared by a court to be qualified as an expert witness, and permitted to give expert opinion testimony on a particular issue or issues in a particular field. Fewer still can claim to be court qualified expert witnesses and also have the experience of having examined witnesses under oath in a court of law.
Nicholas G. Himonidis, the President and Founder of The NGH Group is just such an expert. He has been qualified as an expert witness by various courts in the fields of Computer Forensics and the Authentication of Digital Evidence and testified numerous times on these issues.
He is also a licensed attorney, having previously practiced in state and federal court in four jurisdictions. He is one of the very few experts who can claim to have experience on ‘both sides of the witness stand.’ Drawing on this experience, Mr. Himonidis is not only a formidable expert witness on the issues for which he is qualified as an expert, but an effective partner to counsel in preparing direct testimony and knowing exactly what to expect on cross examination.
Mr. Himonidis has authored many Expert Reports for use in litigation and has provided written testimony by way of Expert Affidavits and Declarations in state and federal courts. As a result of his legal training and experience, he requires very little guidance from counsel in preparing these documents, which is convenient for counsel, and very cost effective for the ultimate client.
Qualified Experts in a variety of Technical Fields
The NGH Group has other court qualified experts as well, in a variety of technical fields, all of whom are experienced in providing testimony in court and at depositions, as well as by Affidavit, Declaration in addition to preparing Expert Reports for litigation.