On October 28, 2021, NGH Group CEO and President Nicholas G. Himonidis, J.D., CFE, CCFS, CCFI, will address the members of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association on what they need to know when counseling clients and conducting e-discovery in family law cases.
Attendees will learn about new technology and legal issues in cryptocurrency, cloud computing, digital espionage (and how to prevent it), encrypted data, and other issues.
As an attorney and computer forensics expert, Nick will educate attendees on both the legal and technical issues in conducting e-discovery in non-commercial litigation. He will also discuss the many forms of evidence that only exist in digital form and must be preserved quickly—before they disappear forever.
To request Mr. Himonidis as a speaker on this or other topics, call (516) 621-6500 or send an email.