Attorneys generate, send, and receive a great deal of sensitive and legally privileged data. These professionals are also responsible for keeping that information safe and secure. Ultimately the firm, not the firm’s IT people, are liable if that data is accessed, stolen, or compromised in some way.
In an article for Nassau Lawyer magazine, NGH Group CEO Nick Himonidis outlines how attorneys can better secure their electronic data and the devices that access it—from the phones in their pockets to the computers on their desks. The feature story includes guidance on the following:
- Protecting smartphones from SIM swapping attacks
- Identifying and fortifying potential “attack surfaces” on computers
- Securing data on cloud storage services, such as OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.
- … and more
With a 2022 ABA survey showing that 27% of responding attorneys and law firms reported a data breach and court cases that have found law firms liable for the safety of client data, this article provides invaluable information from a recognized industry expert. Himonidis, a recognized expert in digital forensics and cyber security, is the co-chair of the Nassau County Bar Association Cyber Law Committee.
Read the article here.