NGH Group CEO Nicholas G. Himonidis will be a featured speaker at the Spring 2023 MatLaw Seminar, “Courtroom Evidence 2023: Selected Issues and Recurrent Problems,” on May 19 in Albany (also streaming online). The program will include a new mandatory CLE required course, “Privacy and Data Protection,” presented by Mr. Himonidis, and offers seven CLE credits.
A certified expert in cryptocurrency and an attorney himself, Mr. Himonidis has more than 30 years of experience in fraud investigations, computer forensics, and law. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), a Certified Computer Forensic Specialist (CCFS), one of the very few Certified Cryptocurrency Forensic Investigators (CCFI) in the United States, and he holds the Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC) credential.
He has been qualified in court as an expert witness in the field of Computer Forensics and the Authentication of Digital Evidence and has lectured extensively and published numerous articles on various technical, investigative, and legal topics, including accredited CLE programs on cybersecurity issues for attorneys and their clients in matrimonial litigation. He was recently appointed Co-Chair of the Nassau County Bar Association Cyber Law Committee.
The seminar will include the following:
- The Hearsay Rule and Its Exceptions
- Privacy and Data Protection
- Expert Evidence: Reliability and Validity; Admissibility Standards & Issues
- Credibility & Cross-Examination
For more information or to register, visit the event website.